Metaphor Monday: Light in Unexpected Places

Last Saturday evening as night was gathering in and we were driving home, I saw peeking in and out of the oaks that lined the road a beautiful array of sunset colors – dark blue grays, brilliant orange and yellow. The odd thing was, it wasn’t to the west, it was in the direction of home – north.

Photini, The Samaritan Woman

Let’s explore how besmirching the character of the Samaritan woman obscures a grander conversion story that places Jesus and his mission to seek and save a lost humanity at the center.

Emotions in the Dock

Let’s explore the place of emotions, in ancient Hebrew, in God’s interaction with humanity as seen in scripture, and through insights from my own study and experience. 

The Amazing Truth About Our Deceitful Hearts

“My heart wasn’t in it.”  I listened to my coaching client Mark discuss vocational options for his next season. As a retiring senior executive, he was seeking a purposeful path. With each possibility he explored, this phrase would punctuate his reflections. I could...


Living Selah In Your Inbox

Take time to rest and reflect. Pause and praise. Delivered to your inbox when I post or on the weekend.

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We Have An Anchor

We Have An Anchor

This past year of grief God has seen me at my best and my worst, and He had to have been hurt by my tumblings of anguish, my slashes of anger, and my scrapings of despair. It amazes me that He has not wavered one bit in His perfect love for...

Feeling Hemmed In? Me, Too!

Feeling Hemmed In? Me, Too!

Today I was feeling such frustration and defeat - like I was inside a strong rubber balloon, pushing and punching with all my strength until I was exhausted and frustrated. My world was a big knotted mess, and I felt powerless and...

All For Jesus

All For Jesus

Without question the best and most acceptable services are those in which Jesus is the solitary aim of the soul, and His glory is the focus of all our endeavors. (From Truth for Life Daily)

Strength for Today, Just for Today.

Strength for Today, Just for Today.

I’m regretful in the first, denying the second, and worry about the third.

A friend of El Edwards said we’re only given strength for what ISs, not for the what ifs. Good and true, and spurred some thoughts. So consider…

Be Valiant

Be Valiant

Take courage therefore, and be very valiant. (Joshua 1:7 Douay-Rheims) God, give me the courage to pick up the sword, and fight the fight. Don't let me lose faith, drop to the floor and rest against the castle wall,  thinking the battle is...

On Beauty…

On Beauty…

We do not want merely to see beauty... we want something else which can hardly be put into words- to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. That is why we have...

About Living Selah

I love a mystery. Selah is a word of mystery. Its meaning puzzles bible scholars, although it shows up in the book of Psalms 71 times and Habakuk 3 times. Some scholars view it as a direction to musicians to pause or take a breath. Some think it may be related to the Hebrew word “calah” which means “to weigh in the balance.” Still others think it’s a combination of two words that mean “to praise” and “to lift up.” My soul responds to all these meanings. I get so busy in the days, weeks, months, and years, and as I gain years, the swiftness of time astonishes me. Do you feel this too? Too often the present rushes at us, running rough shod with all its urgencies. We need to, even in the midst of what we might call “holy” or “spiritual”, take time to rest – take a breath – weigh the present and enter its spaciousness. And praise. This is what I’d like you to find in this journal of mine. Places where you can take a breath, weigh a thought, and ring praise back to our eternal God. I write about places and times where God’s promises have rung true for me. I share about scriptures that shimmered from the page and urged me to look deeper. I hope what I share will open a space for you to encounter a peace that is not of this world, and a grace that is the most powerful force in the universe. All freely given by a good and loving God. His gifts to us in this often insane and messy world.

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