Strength for Today, Just for Today.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow. I’m regretful about the first, denying the second, and worry about the third. A friend of El Edwards said we’re only given strength for what IS, not for the what ifs. Good and true, and spurred some thoughts. So consider…
God is present and active in and out-side of the whole time-space continuum.
He is present in the moment you first stood up – fell – stood again – took a step.
He is present as you read this, as each – second – ticks – by.
He is also present at your next breath, as you drive to the grocery store, when you walk into your next church service, and at your next moment of joy, your next season of grief. And in all the moments before, after and in between of your life.
He is present in the same way for your grandmother, for your grandchild.
He IS – lifetimes, and eons, and eternities before and beyond that. And outside of that yardstick of time as well.
Imagine the length and breadth of this realm He is over. Then consider the hugeness you’re imagining, and know that it’s bigger than that, He’s bigger than that. Selah.
Take this further, in terms of realms and responsibilities. What we’re talking about is His realm, His responsibility. It only makes sense. He is THERE. He’s the BIG Boss, the sovereign Lord, the King, the Creator of time and space.
What is your little sub realm? Today. Your responsibilities are the choices you make. Today. Yesterday matters as much as you are thankful. Tomorrow matters as much as you are hopeful.
Today is our small delegation to us by the King of all Time and Space. And He has given us the strength for that.