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Metaphor Monday: Light in Unexpected Places
Let’s explore how besmirching the character of the Samaritan woman obscures a grander conversion story that places Jesus and his mission to seek and save a lost humanity at the center.
Photini, The Samaritan Woman
Let’s explore how besmirching the character of the Samaritan woman obscures a grander conversion story that places Jesus and his mission to seek and save a lost humanity at the center.
Emotions in the Dock
Let’s explore the place of emotions, in ancient Hebrew, in God’s interaction with humanity as seen in scripture, and through insights from my own study and experience.
The Amazing Truth About Our Deceitful Hearts
“My heart wasn’t in it.” I listened to my coaching client Mark discuss vocational options for his next season. As a retiring senior executive, he was seeking a purposeful path. With each possibility he explored, this phrase would punctuate his reflections. I could...
The Wondrous Gift: A Story of Healing and Hope
(This is a true story of my lived experience. Some names and details have been changed to protect the individual’s privacy.) I found the vintage nativity set wrapped in newspaper, packed in just one cardboard box among many at a garage sale in a McMansion community...
Letting Go And Letting Come
In late winter of this year I journeyed to a private retreat in the woods of southern Georgia. I came to the retreat with expectations of “getting answers to life’s persistent questions” which at that moment, concerned my future. What will my transition into full...
Late To Lent
Years ago, when my independent church started noticing that there was more to the liturgical calendar than Easter and Christmas, I started noticing Lent. But I confess, I am a sometime Lent observer, and not a very consistent one. Ash Wednesday came and went this year...
Praying With Expectation And Praying With Expectations
Listen to my words, Lord, consider my lament.Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. . (Psalm 5:3 NIV) Have you ever prayed for deliverance?...
When Parts of Who I Am Feel Unlovable
God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8 NIV) We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19 NIV) Let me share an amazing truth about me. One that blows me away when I take the time it...
Is There A Bright Side To Disappointment?
We had hoped he was the one... (Luke 24:21 NIV) At my best, what I truly desire is for more of my brothers and sisters to know God and experience God's grace (that is, be aware of God's active love toward them and within the world.) When I'm in this calm and wide open...
Sometimes Just Starting Starts A Party In Heaven
Who despised the day when little things began to happen? They will be delighted when they see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand. (Zechariah 4:10 GW) August 1 started a 30 day challenge that I'm committing to, to create every day. I don't do challenges well because...
Is There A Center To God’s Will?
A friend recently requested prayer on his blog, that he would be in the “center of God’s will.” I smile when I hear that phrase, because it brings to mind some target-shaped center of God’s will. Or a narrow mountain trail with steep drop offs to either side. For a...
The Space Between Action And Reaction
The Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says to the people, “Come back and quietly trust in me. Then you will be strong and secure." Isaiah 30:15 GNT Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your...
Embracing The Full Freedom Of Christ As A Single Woman
Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. Galatians 5:1 MSG There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus....
Wear The Same Clothes Everyday
Facebook reminded me of this little play on Colossians 3:12 today -- from 6 years ago! Still love that God is most delighted when I wear the same clothes every day, the ones God designed for me to wear. Reminds me, too, of when kids dress like their...