Sometimes Just Starting Starts A Party In Heaven
Who despised the day when little things began to happen? They will be delighted when they see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand. (Zechariah 4:10 GW)
August 1 started a 30 day challenge that I’m committing to, to create every day. I don’t do challenges well because at some point, a day will dawn and I’ll get stuck, and challenge changes shape. It morphs into obligation and fear, bringing procrastination along for the ride.
“I can’t, God.”
When I don’t have even enough to hope in an “anything could happen,” God says, “Just start.”
When I start the day knowing I need to create, but not knowing whether anything I create will be worth the time I took to create it, God says, “Just start.”
When those voices ask me who I think I am to be creating or think that I can make anything good, God says, “Just start.”
Sometimes that little thing, that seems even smaller than a mustard tree seed of faith, is all I have. And Jesus says, “It is enough.”
I weigh what Jesus said about mustard tree seed faith against what Matthew said about Jesus’s own family and hometown friends.
And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. (Matthew 13:58 NIV)
Unbelief. Doubting. Not believing it could possibly be true. Hesitation.
God says, “Just start.”
So I start, not knowing.
I start, not believing in myself, but in some One outside myself, that will take that tiny thing, smaller than a mustard tree seed, and do something with it.
It is the Lord’s work, and it is marvelous to behold.
And there is rejoicing in heaven over this one who is changing her mind, this sinner who thought she was alone and turned to see God, arms open, smiling and yelling over his shoulder to get ready to have a party.