Christian Spiritual Direction (old)

Surely the Lord is in this place,
but I did not realize it!
Jacob in Genesis 28:16

In the rush and bustle of every day life, it is difficult to set aside time and space to hear God speak and cultivate the most important relationship in life.

A person seeking spiritual direction has a  “cultivated awareness that God has been working diligently, redemptively, and strategically before I appeared on the scene, before I was aware there was something here for me to do.” (Eugene Peterson)

Spiritual Direction: An Exploration Of The Heart

God knows what is in a person’s heart. And what is God’s desire for us? For truth in our inward being (Psalm 51:6.). For our outsides and insides to match!

What is in our hearts is often a mystery to us, but not to the Lord! As we seek to know God’s direction, being open to God showing us our hearts is important in our walk with Christ. Both the deep, God-given desires as well as those things of the heart that keep us from pursuing those desires.

Do all that is in your heart, for God is with you.
1 Chronicles 17:2

Yes, but what is in my heart? Spiritual Direction provides the opportunity to explore that question with God.

The heart is deep, mysterious, and vulnerable.
Who can understand it?
I, God, search the heart and examine the deepest emotions. Jeremiah 17:9-10*

The heart is deep and mysterious, and we often don’t know our hearts. In spite of this, God doesn’t intend for us to abandon our hearts. The heart is mystery…and God wants to lovingly explore it with you.

This is the way of Spiritual Direction.

The Focus Of Spiritual Direction Is Two-Fold

First, it is spiritual, and is therefore different from counseling, therapy, coaching or mentoring. Secondly, spiritual direction acknowledges that the Holy Spirit is the director.  The desired direction is a deeper relationship with God and how that intertwines with the life of the person seeking direction:

  • To discern the voice and movement of God
  • To be empowered to make decisions and take action in life giving ways
  • To be nourished in the spirit and experience quietness
  • To freely share struggles, joys, and challenges in a safe, compassionate space

I am presently enrolled in the Audire program for spiritual direction, and am classified as a Spiritual Director Intern in the final year of the three-year program. As part of the program I also regularly meet with a spiritual director and with a spiritual direction supervisor.

I also agree with and adhere to the guidelines for ethical conduct published by Spiritual Directors International, including their commitment to dignity and confidentiality.

I practice spiritual direction in the contemplative – evocative method. This approach to spiritual direction values open-ended questions and offers invitations to deeper reflection and noticing during the time of holy listening.

“Holy listening” is a term used to describe listening with an ear to discern the activity of God in daily life, hoping and expecting to encounter God in the midst of the listening.

Sessions are 60 minutes in length. Typically we meet once per month, but in some circumstances we can meet more often if needed.

What’s an introductory session like? Find out here.

This page provides guidance on preparing for and processing a direction session.

If you’re interested in beginning spiritual direction or have questions about it, I’d love to hear from you.

I am presently accepting inquiries for direction. Please feel free to complete the form below. I’ll email or call you and we can schedule an introductory meeting, after which we can take time to discern the next right step for direction.

Interested? Have questions? Contact me today.

Please contact me via

15 + 15 =

*To explore this scripture passage more, see Chaim Bentorah’s excellent article.

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